Friday, February 15, 2008

End of Rotations: Shackling My Freedom!!!

So this is pretty much as vella as you can get. Well I am on the verge of finishing my one year rotation (read complete uselessness). I have been completely futile and have not contributed a single penny to the banks top line, but have created a major dent on the bottom-line..

So how do I feel? Well for one, I am wondering if its just rust on me, or have I been left fatally incapable of putting in hard work. Past one year, that too after the hectic MBA regime, has been a cake walk, or for that matter, only a cake, no walk at all! But now as I look forward to joining capital market sales, I am just wondering whether I can manage that or will be left puffing for breathe. But on the positive side, I feel a know thousands of people in the bank, having learnt from them and now will work with them. I feel I know more about the different aspects of banking than most people can ever imagine. How good it turns out to be in the long term will be seen only in long term!!!

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