Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Piracy:: Who's Supporting it!!!

Cheap Books:
There arent too many people who promote piracy in the open, yet there might not be a single person who has not supported it or contributed to its growth. Tell me yourself as to how many times have you bought a book from a genuine book store and compare it to the number of times you have been seduced by the cheap books on the road side. I mean starting from fake VCD's to books to videogames to branded shoes and t-shirts. well all over the place there is piracy.

We will take some figure:
A microsoft office cost like a 6 thousand bucks in the original shop, while costs only 60 bucks in the thela. The nike shoes start from 3000 bucks but can be bought at a meagre 250 bucks on any of the Tibetan markets. Recently Aman bought the NFS CD for X box for about 2.5k, while in the grey market would have osted not more than a couple of hundred of rupees.

I beleive that although the cost of inventions is very high, yet a steep pricing is not the only way to recover it. Steeper the price, more is the piracy. Who would want to buy a music cd for 500 bucks when the same can be downloaded from the internet for zero cost!!

But as Dylan said " The times they are a changin'. The steps like the one taken by Moser Baer while coming out with CD's and DVD's for Rs 50/- are one of the ways to fight piracy. One of the first things that are taught in the B school marketing course is how take on an opponent and move him out of the market. One of the things is to take the wind out of the lungs of the rival but squeezing the margins so low that the competitor's cost becomes too high to handle and is subsequently moved out of the market. If the costs of things are reduced then automatically people will buy the genuine goods.

One of the saying sthat I read a long time back was " People are willing to pay,only till some price, to be honest!!!!!!!"

This is one of the most ironical statements that have been made.

I mean everyone wants to be honest, till the time the rewards for being dishonest is small and not really big.
As a matter of fact I decided to buy genuine books from the book shops only. I must have spent like 3-4k on about 5-6 books in ast two months or so. And yesday finally I bought 5 books for 250 bucks only!!!
I know thats not right, but then nothing is...!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well I do not buy pirated books. I buy select hollywood DVDs in original. Rest in DVD rental chanins like 70mm how have original CDs. Moser Baer's is good start, but their DVD picture quality is pathetic. They do not use dual layer DVD and hence loss of quality. The picture is so bad when watching in 40inch LCD TV. Well I buy pirated which offer excellent quality for 50 bucks. Moser should introduce high quality DVDs for say rs.99