Its not that you daily get to be in an office which blows you off and you just have the feeling, if and only if your own office was like this.
Today I had my Bloomberg training and believe me that their office in Maker Chambers is probably the best I have seen. The interiors were impeccable and very beautiful.
Me and Navneet reached office at about 11:15 and the traing was to start at 11:30. The guard at the gate greeted us then duly called us at the reception where there was a list with our names on it. He got us to sign on that sheet and took our photographs and almost immediately provided us with our Bloomberg training passes with our pictures on it. It really was the height of efficiency. We were then guided into a training room with lots of Bloomberg terminals.
We waited till about 11:45 for the program to start. Well if you ask me, it really was one of the most worthless/useless trainings that I have ever attended. Probably worse than the most useless HR classes that I had on campus. Having said that, I feel and know that the Bloomberg terminal is a work of art and is one of the things which is indispensable for the working of any finance guy. But yeah! The training was something I could have done without. The only respite was that Navneet sitting next to me was plotting all his shares ke prices and showing me his annual returns!!
So when the training finally ended at about 12:45, it was more of a relief than anything else.
And it was then that I got to see the whole office. I was superb; I really don’t have any words to express that. The interiors were very beautiful, lighting was yellow and nice. But the best part was that there were flat screens that were plastered all over the walls, ceiling and also on the floor!! To add to that there were people working on the Bloomberg terminals(all blues) all over the place accentuating the beauty!!
And now for people like Shefali who think that to work good, you should eat like a hog!!! :) :) :) :) .
This place was like paradise. Right in the middle was a buffet for employees, with a person serving everybody. Also they had a huge rack with loads n loads of goodies packed in ranging from magi, 5 stars, mentos all kinds of biscuits, and lots of beverages!!
So while walking out, we managed to flick a couple of 5stars and a packet of coconut biscuits which we duly finished while only in lift!!!
So I think it was really fulfilling training, if not in terms of knowledge, but surely in terms of appetite!!!!!
Thank you Bloomberg!!
:) :) :) :)
oh man ! sounds awesome !!
whr do they get the money for this from??
wats their source of income??
Is that the bloomberg trainng center??
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